Animal EFT

Improve Animal Communication With EFT

Improve Animal Communication With EFT

Communication is always a flow of energy and information that is given and received.

EFT can help remove blocks and shields to communicating with animals; it can help you become a better animal communicator.

EFT can also help a traumatised animal heal their communication channels so they can communicate more successfully as well.

Communicating With Our Companion Animals

Naturally, and left to our own devices, we communicate well and clearly with our companions and they understand us and communicate to us clearly in return.

Stress, upset, past problems and experiences, and "beliefs" can and do get in the way of this flow of communication and energy, and this is where Energy approaches and including EFT can help dramatically.

Tapping for such things as,

"I don't know what I need to do to communicate with animals more clearly"

"I don't understand why my companion does what they do"

"I don't know what's blocking me from communicating with animals more clearly"

"I release all experiences and learnings that are blocking flow of communication and of love between me and my companion"

or even"I don't believe that I can communicate directly with animals and that my companion understands me"

.... can bring amazing revelations and a quantum leap in the depth of your relationship.

You can tap EFT for things you already know are blocking your animal communication abilities, for example,

"I'm afraid of the intense emotions I will experience and I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself."

"I have to protect myself and my psychic talents or I would go crazy ..."
"I must not be too intuitive because it would be too painful ..."

"I had a wonderful relationship with (x) and when they died, it hurt so much I never wanted to feel such pain again so I'm keeping myself protected ..."

To improve your abiltity to communicate with animals, you can also tap for things that you want, for example:

"I want to communicate more clearly with all animals, and I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself."

With rescued animals and those who had traumatic early experiences especially, the problem can be the companion's beliefs about people. Whether the issue is over-attachment, general fear and anxiety about the world at large, or lack of trust in humanity, surrogate or proxy-tapping can help clear some of the emotional debris that rescued animals invariably carry over from their past.

You know your animals best.

Step inside their point of view, see/hear/feel the world through their eyes, and find opening statements that come to you naturally, speaking as if you were the animal:

"I am Sally. Even though I have lost my trust in people, I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself."

"I am Sally. Even though I have given up trying to understand people, ..."

"I am Sally. Even though people have hurt me, ..."

By tuning in to your will and desire to communicate better with animals, and also using EFT for healing the broken channels of communication, we can significantly improve our abilities to communicate with animals, or communicate in general, as well.

Silvia Hartmann


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